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Writer's pictureMeredith mpriesmeyer

Naver No-show Vaccine Application

Getting an appointment through Naver for your vaccine is possible-but you've got to be quick.

This guide will help you understand some of the steps to sign up for vaccine appointments through the notification alarm setting on Naver. With the alarm setting, even though there aren't many open vacancies for open appointments, you will get a text message alerting you to one in your area if a no-show occurs. This appointment application is also available through the Kakao app. After having some trouble using the Kakao app for the appointment application I turned to Naver and I was successful with Naver.

Prior to the Kakao and Naver app days were the easy phone call appointment days--days long gone. We were successful with this phone call method for AZ. I gave up hope for this no-show system after Pfizer and Moderna arrived to the scene with the phone app application but it is still very possible and quick to get vaccinated with this new no-show system, it just takes a little more effort.

You can download the NAVER app from your preferred mobile store. The app is green with an N in the center.

To sign in or create a Naver account: Naver accounts can be managed in English. You will need to make sure that you use your phone to verify who you are, that you know the correct input for your name (can get from you phone provider if you don't know--all caps?, middle name included? name order?), that you know your ARC registration number and mark yourself as waegukin (외국인 the second selection box on the sign in form).

This is the opening page to the Naver search form from the app. I am signed in. My profile photo is visible on the top right helps me know that I'm signed in:

Next you will need to type into the search bar for the no-show vaccine. Copy and paste mine from below:

How to find the No show vaccine link: Type into the search bar (or copy a paste) 잔여백신예약 (No show vaccine appointment) as shown below:

Do not despair if all is grey and 0 like the above map. That doesn't mean there isn't anything available--though it technically does. Have hope! You will have to try through the alarm notifications.

In the above screenshot you will see the green button which is to sign up for an appointment (but there aren't any if the map is showing grey) and the white one, to the right, with the bell is for the alarm notification.

Below these two button selections is a map. This will allow you to browse your area and see which hospitals or clinics offer vaccines near you. Check out the map below, in your app you can click the little icons and see the name of the hospital:

Taking a look at the map there are a few different icons that describe the current vaccine situation at the hospital or clinic. 대기중 means they should have them soon (these are good ones to get alarms for) 마감 means the appointments are full (still could be good to set an alarm for, who knows when a vacancy could happen), and a 0 Shot picture means they are out of medicine for the day.

On the same page, above the map, if you click the green appointments button it should show in the map if there are any vaccines in your area with a BLUE shot and a number next to it. That means the have that number of no-show appointment spots available for reservation.

Signing up for the alarm for no show vaccines

To get to the alarm notification setting for the vaccine, click the right hand button at the top that is shown in white, with the alarm bell on it.

After clicking the alarm bell button, you will be taken to the next page that is above. Click the bottom blue button to get the alarm notifications.

Then you will be directed to the page where you can select from a pull down map: your city, area (gu), and then specific neighborhood (dong). Below is an example of choice selection of Daegu, Suseongu, Suseongdong 1ga. I checked a few different neighborhoods in Suseong and not all areas have clinics with vaccines.

After that, it will show a list of available hospitals or clinics in your area that have vaccines. If nothing shows up, it is because there are no vaccines available in your area, so choose another one near to your home (because you may need to hustle over to get it that same day).

If a few hospitals show up, just choose 5 clinics or hospitals (consulting the map prior can help see the clinic or hospitals vaccine situation plus the proximity to you). Click the check buttons to the right of the hospital or clinics. The app will only allow five selections, but you can change if you like. For me, I had more call backs at clinics than at hospitals. But who knows?

Which vaccine can you get? In the app, you can see which vaccines are available at a clinic or hospital. It will say: 하이저 for Pfizer and 모더나 for Moderna. For me, they are both non-virus vaccines with similar benefits and side-effects so I don't care. I thought it was easier to get Moderna because I think that Pfizer is more well known in Korea--having had bus advertisements and that sort of thing. So just going for whatever is available could be a faster track to vaccination.

Now how to grab that appointment!





Do you have 5G? That would help! Do you like being on your phone? Well be on it like a hawk! You need to be quick to respond to these notifications to grab the appointment.

After you sign up for the alarm for the no-show sit by your phone and stare at the notifications (make sure you have allowed Naver to send you notifications in the app settings).

*If you get a notification for an opening, immediately click on it and then click on the green box to accept it. If it turns grey, you missed your shot. But wait for another one coming up soon. These notifications may pop up throughout the day.

You only need to sign up one time for notifications and you will continue to get alarms.

What happens if you aren't fast enough to catch one of the appointments?

Well, there is no guarantee, and you may have better luck at a smaller clinic than a large hospital BUT go to the clinic with your notification (even with the grey box). If the clinic can, they might be able to make an appointment for you to come back another day as they know it is difficult to get an appointment online. No guarantees!

What to bring to the clinic? Make sure to take your ARC card so that they can charge your national insurance for the vaccine. No need to pay anything from your pocket.

What happens next?

After getting the vaccine, you'll get a message through your Kakao messaging that informs that you got your first. You will then wait for a message that tells you to come for your second vaccine when it is closer to the date.

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